Coming to Terms (Search Engine Poetry)
Why is the sky blue?
Why is my poop green?
Why is a raven like a writing desk?
Why do men cheat?
Why do dogs eat grass?
Why am I so tired?
Why do cats purr?
Why does my eye twitch?
Why did I get married?
Because of you
Because I said so
because of Winn Dixie
Because you loved me
Because I got high
Because you loved me lyrics
Because the night
...Just because.
Note: The poem above was written entirely using the search term suggestions supplied by my iPhone. I have added the very first and last lines and decided on the length. Creepy how coherent it seems!
I have since tried the same thing on a desktop and get a load of different results. So this is a snapshot in time, personalised to me...why don't you try it too and we can see how it changes?
An organic, living poem that reflects the writer. (Or a load of monkeys in a room with Google rather than a typewriter...take your pick).
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